All projects share one version of the dependency. | |
At least one project has a differing version of the dependency. |
Number of sub-projects: | 11 |
Number of dependencies (NOD): | 23 |
Number of unique artifacts (NOA): | 23 |
Number of SNAPSHOT artifacts (NOS): | 5 |
Convergence (NOD/NOA): | 100% |
Ready for Release (100% Convergence and no SNAPSHOTS): | Error You have SNAPSHOT dependencies. |
Soashable is a completely Open Source (GPL) instant messaging client, built on the Xmpp4Js (LGPL) XMPP library for Javascript. It communicates with an XMPP server using XEP-0124/XEP-0206 HTTP Binding, and provides end-user functionality comparable to Meebo (but is in no way affiliated with Meebo).