The easiest way to get Soashable running across a large variety of setups was to use Apache Maven, a build tool originally designed for Java. It allows painless dependency management; automated test runs; and the ability to run a web project within an embedded web server, or to deploy it to a Java application server easily.
Requires JDK 1.5.x, Maven 2.0.x, and Mozilla Firefox 2.0.x.
If the tests fail you may try including this parameter for mvn "-Dmaven.test.skip=true", and yell at me.
The project follows the Maven standard layout, and the maven-javascript-tools webapp layout. Please read that documentation for the basics.
soashable-web/ | +- src/main/javascript/ | | | +- dialogs/ (application dialogs) | | | +- languages/ (one js file for each language) | | | +- packetext/ (packet extensions) | | | +- widgets/ (reusable layout components) | +- src/main/resources/ | +- (properties for the tokbox application)
Soashable is a completely Open Source (GPL) instant messaging client, built on the Xmpp4Js (LGPL) XMPP library for Javascript. It communicates with an XMPP server using XEP-0124/XEP-0206 HTTP Binding, and provides end-user functionality comparable to Meebo (but is in no way affiliated with Meebo).